Donate Today!
Our Sponsorship Opportunities have closed for this year, but we still welcome your generous donations through our
Write a Check Campaign.
Write a Check
Membership & Benefits
Congratulations WAIS PTA!
Last year was a record breaking year for our PTA Membership! We had 326 members, and it is the first time in many years that we have had 100% Staff Membership! We are heading back to school and we would like to invite you to join our PTA team again this year!
It would be amazing to have every family at our school represented by at least one person on the WAIS PTA!
Volunteer Opportunities
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 10
- Tuesday, March 11
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Monday, March 17
- Friday, March 28
Treasurer Information
Hi - I am Sara Vasut, the PTA Treasurer for the 2024-2025 school year. Please read the Treasurer Guidelines prior to making purchases on behalf of the PTA.
If you do make a purchase on behalf of the PTA...
- Please complete Reimbursement Request (document can be downloaded below) and email it to the Treasurer email address in order to be reimbursed for your purchase (all receipts and other documentation must be included when requesting reimbursement).
- Please remember, the PTA CANNOT reimburse sales tax, so be sure to give all vendors the Tax Exempt form when you make a purchase on behalf of the PTA in order to avoid being charged sales tax. The Tax Exemption form can be downloaded using the Sales and Use Tax Exemption/Resale button below (this is a double sided document with two separate tax exemption forms).
- ALL Reimbursement Requests for the 2024 - 2025 school year must be submitted to the Treasurer by email by June 1, 2025 in order to be reimbursed for your purchases on behalf of the PTA.
When you have collected cash or checks from a fundraising event such as membership drive or spirit sales please complete the deposit form below prior to handing the cash or checks over to any member of the PTA Executive Board.
Sales and Use Tax Exemption/Resale Form
If you need assistance completing the forms or if you have any questions, please contact Wilchester PTA Treasurer, Sara Vasut.
Support Westchester Academy for International Studies PTA
WAIS PTA Randalls Good Neighbor Number: 9179
Earn money every time you shop at Randall’s by linking your Randall’s for U account to WAIS.
Set up a Randall’s For U account on the website or the Randall’s app
Email to link your account to Westchester
Make sure to include the phone number associated with your Randall’s For U account
Shop to your heart’s content knowing WAIS will receive 1% of your total purchases
Link our Good Neighbor Number to your Randalls Remarkable card and help us raise funds for the WAIS PTA when you shop!
Earn money every time you shop at Kroger by linking your Kroger Shopper’s Card to WAIS.
Cummunity Rewards Code: NT621
Visit click on “Kroger Community Rewards
Link Your Shopper's Card. Select Westchester or use “NT621”
Your logo could be here! Contact our Sponsorship Chair to be a sponsor today at