Welcome to the Westchester Academy for International Studies PTA (WAIS PTA) - we are so glad you found us! Our PTA has been doing great work the last few years and we love a new challenge and are always ready to roll up our sleeves and get started. We hope you will join us in supporting our students, faculty, staff, and programs! Please explore the site and if you can't find what you are looking for let us know - we are always open to new ideas and feedback. 


You can contact us at, president@waispta.org 

 Click HERE to Join the PTA  


Bienvenido a la Asociación de Padres y Maestros de la Academia de Estudios Internacionales de Westchester (WAIS PTA). ¡Nos alegra mucho que nos haya encontrado! Nuestra Asociación de Padres y Maestros ha estado haciendo un gran trabajo en los últimos años y nos encantan los nuevos desafíos y siempre estamos listos para ponernos manos a la obra y comenzar. ¡Esperamos que se una a nosotros para apoyar a nuestros estudiantes, profesores, personal y programas! Explore el sitio y, si no puede encontrar lo que busca, infórmenos. Estamos abiertos a nuevas ideas y comentarios.


Puede contactarnos a través de president@waispta.org.

 Haga clic AQUI para unirse a la PTA  

House Bill 2- Comments on the bill are accepted until the committee adjourns that day (March 6). COMMENT NOW!
We continue to advocate to keep our public schools funded and we are focusing in requesting for a bigger increase to the Basic Allotment.  In the current HB2, a $220 increase is included, however an increase of $500 will have more impact, especially in SBISD.  
Some major provisions of HB 2 include:
  • Basic allotment (BA) increase to $6,380 from $6,160 per student ($3.2 billion)
    40% (up from 30%) of any BA increase must be used for staff salary increases (this is why a $220 bump would have little to no effect in the classroom)
  • Increases to the small and midsized allotments ($1.1 billion)
  • Intensity-based special education funding and additional special education allotment funding ($1.8 billion)
  • Creation of a $1,000-per-initial-SPED evaluation allotment
  • Requirement to hire certified teachers for foundation curriculum courses
  • Prohibition against schools using districts of innovation law as an exemption from requirements regarding hiring certified teachers and notifying parents about classes taught by uncertified teachers
  • Grant funding to expand pre-k, fine arts, high school career advising, and other programs ($1.5 billion)
  • Increased teacher compensation through the Teacher Incentive Allotment ($750 million)
  • Additional state aid to address regional property & casualty insurance costs

NOW is the time to provide your written testimony (online testimony opportunity will close when the committee hearing adjourns). Please include dollar amounts of where SBISD has funding gaps (see example below). Also, please be sure to state you are a part of the Spring Branch ISD community.

The link to make comments is included here: https://comments.house.texas.gov/home?c=c400

Comments on the bill are accepted until the committee adjourns that day (March 6). COMMENT NOW!




The WAIS PTA is so grateful to our Corporate and Family Sponsors this year! Your generosity provides funds to continue growing and running our existing programs while also supporting our students, faculty, and campus! You truly set the example of a community that is invested in the future!






Click here for the volunteer application: English Spanish.


Regístrese para ser un voluntario en SBISD para el año escolar 2024-25


Haga clic aquí para accesar la aplicación de voluntario: Ingles / Español.


  This website is your resource for finding PTA information from how to join and sponsor, to volunteer opportunities and spirit wear to meeting minutes and budget decisions.  Some content is restricted to members of WAIS PTA. To join, click the link above.  If you already joined in person (thank you!) and are struggling with access, please contact us apresident@waispta.org 


Este sitio web es su recurso para encontrar información sobre la PTA, desde cómo unirse y patrocinar, hasta oportunidades de voluntariado y vestimenta deportiva, actas de reuniones y decisiones presupuestarias. Algunos contenidos están restringidos a los miembros de la PTA de WAIS. Para unirse, haga clic en el enlace de arriba. Si ya se unió en persona (¡gracias!) y tiene dificultades para acceder, comuníquese con nosotros a president@waispta.org


Donate Today!

Our Sponsorship Opportunities have closed for this year, but we still welcome your generous donations through our
Write a Check Campaign.  
Write a Check

Membership & Benefits 

Congratulations WAIS PTA!
Last year was a record breaking year for our PTA Membership!  We had 326 members, and it is the first time in many years that we have had 100% Staff Membership! We are heading back to school and we would like to invite you to join our PTA team again this year!
It would be amazing to have every family at our school represented by at least one person on the WAIS PTA!

Bell Schedule

Support Westchester Academy for International Studies PTA

WAIS PTA Randalls Good Neighbor Number: 9179

Earn money every time you shop at Randall’s by linking your Randall’s for U account to WAIS.


Set up a Randall’s For U account on the website www.randalls.com or the Randall’s app

 Email Good.Neighbor@Randalls.com to link your account to Westchester

Make sure to include the phone number associated with your Randall’s For U account

 Shop to your heart’s content knowing WAIS will receive 1% of your total purchases

Randalls Remarkable card plus the Good Neighbor program equals easy fund raising.

Link our Good Neighbor Number to your Randalls Remarkable card and help us raise funds for the WAIS PTA when you shop!



Earn money every time you shop at Kroger by linking your Kroger Shopper’s Card to WAIS.

Cummunity Rewards Code: NT621

  Visit www.Kroger.com click on “Kroger Community Rewards

Link Your Shopper's Card. Select Westchester or use “NT621”


Social Media


Like and Follow WAIS PTA!


Your logo could be here! Contact our Sponsorship Chair to be a sponsor today at sponsorship@waispta.org